Page name: .My Messages To God. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-22 23:04:43
Last author: i'i
Owner: choke_on_dreams
# of watchers: 43
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.My Messages To God.


Everything that is written on this wiki page is genuine and was created by many, many, people and many, many hearts. It is an annonymous wiki, unless you wish to place your name beside your contribution. Other than that, it is annonnymous, it is personal, and it is secret.

Nobody is asking you to be Religious.
Nobody will mind if you choose to be.
We just want to hear you out.

You don't need a special way to "join" this wiki.
All you have to do is add your own "message to god", and you will be a part of everything.
Feel free to add one of your own special Messages or wishes, Dreams, Ideas Confessions and T h o u g h t s.
They can be as Secret as you wish them to be.
Nobody has to know a thing.

Somebody is listening.

The Pages.


Other Links.

.A Thousand Questions.

Write your own answers.

&&. My Banners To God.

God Loves Banners Too.

.Replies From His Angels.

"You've Got Mail."

(Whoever is taking the time to update these pages, please leave me a message, or take the time to place your name under here.)

I was concerned about about this wiki was gradually becoming more about the names of people who have helped out. Just to clarify, It is not, but at the end of the day, there are people who I would like to thank, and it would be unfair for them to go without a thank you and a mention.
Remember, every single person to takes part in this, is just as important as whoever created it, whoever updates the pages when it is complete, whoever is a faithful contributor, and who ever watches the pages.

This page was created by [i'i] intitially.
It is, however, nurtured and managed by all those who visit this page, make a contribution, or simply read the messages.
In particular, a special thank you to: [Keseken] for her help in updating pages, when no one else has been able to do so.

Thank You.

.My Messages To God.

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